Sunday, December 2, 2007

Just to be with You

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need (Matthew 6:33 NLT).

There is no better feeling than being in the presence of God! I, like many others, spend much of my time seeking God's presents when in reality the best "present" that He has for me is His presence. It has a way of making everything else just fade away into the background. Although Jesus' words in Matthew 6:33 sound so simple, they are indeed easily forgetten and even more difficult at times to do. Many of us set our hearts on seeking Him and do our best to live righteously, and then circustances occur in our lives and we tend to let those circumstances overshadow what God has asked of us. It is so important that even though circumstances come into our life, it does not mean we need to let them into our spirits. We need to fill-up on God's presence daily so that we have no room for circumstances. We must fight to keep them external.

We must set aside time everyday to get in the presence of the Lord if we want to maintain joy in our lives. For I have learned that just to be with Him fills me with inexplicable joy that washes away any negative emotions left by the world. Just to be with Him is one of the most amazing gift that god has given me. He has captured my heart for all eternity and I couldn't live a single moment without Him. Thank You Lord!

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