Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Spend Time with Me

Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you] (Romans 12:2 Amp).

God has been speaking to my heart lately about how much He desires face to face communication with me. I realize that I have gotten so busy lately, that although I still have my personal devotion time daily, the quality of that time has not been where it could or should be. I need to spend more time renewing my mind. I woke-up the other day with these lingering words that God had placed in my heart:

"Find the quiet time to speak directly to my heart, converse with me face to face. I do not desire for you to have a long distance relationship with me as though i am a distant relative living in another state. I desire intimacy that comes from the time you physically spend with me free from all distractions. I desire your undivided attention. Brief interactions are not enough. I am seeking quality time.

The only way you can get to know my heart and my desires for you is to spend time talking with me. I long to sing over you with rejiocing for I love you with an everlasting love. I am standing at the door knocking, will you let me come in and rest with you? Will you rest with me? I love you my child, let me shower you with my love. Lend me your ear and I will whisper songs of love."

God is calling me to spend time with Him that is not shared with anyone or anything in the world. He is longing for each of us to find time that is dedicated 100 percent to Him. It is important that we do certain things in our lives to help build us up spiritually but if time spent alone with Him is not at the top of our list, then we will have much harder time hearing His voice or discerning what it is He is asking us to do. Let's make a commitment to spend some alone time with our Father today, let us renew our minds in the Word of God!

1 comment:

Nick Cook said...

YES! AMEN! Praise God!!!
Thank You!!! A.J. I love you and your wisdom brought forth from the Lord is amazing, as always :)
Let us endeavor each day to spend that quality time with HIM!!

You are such a blessing in my life, best friend!!!!